Mastering Next.js: A Beginner's Guide to Effortless File-Based Routing


5 min read

When it comes to building modern web applications, Next.js stands out for its simplicity and developer-friendly features. One of the core features that makes Next.js so powerful is its file-based routing system. Unlike traditional routing methods that rely on configuration files or extensive boilerplate, Next.js leverages the filesystem to automatically create routes. In this blog, we’ll break down file-based routing in Next.js and show you how to use it effectively.

In this article, we explore Next.js's file-based routing system, which simplifies the creation of web application routes by using the filesystem to define them automatically. We cover setting up a Next.js project, creating basic and dynamic routes, organizing structured folder hierarchies, implementing shared layouts, and defining API endpoints. The system enhances simplicity, dynamic routing, and SEO-friendly development, making it a powerful tool for building modern web applications.

What is File-Based Routing?

File-based routing means that the structure of your application’s routes is determined by the file and folder structure in the pages or app directory. Each file corresponds to a unique route in your application.

For example. under the app directory:

  page.jsx         -> '/' (Homepage)
  about/page.jsx   -> '/about'
  contact/page.jsx -> '/contact'
  page.tsx         -> '/' (Homepage)
  about/page.tsx   -> '/about'
  contact/page.tsx -> '/contact'

This eliminates the need for manually defining routes and allows you to focus on building features.

Setting Up Your Next.js Project

If you don’t have a Next.js project set up already, follow these steps:

  1. Install Next.js using Create Next App:

     npx create-next-app my-next-app
     cd my-next-app
  2. Start the development server:

     npm run dev
  3. Open localhost:3000 in your browser. You should see the default Next.js homepage.

Creating Routes in Next.js

Basic Routes

To create a basic route:

  1. Inside the app directory, create a folder named about and then create a file page.tsx inside it:

     export default function About() {
         return <h1>About Page</h1>;

Visit http://localhost:3000/about in your browser. You’ll see the "About Page" content.

  1. Combining Pages with a Common Layout

    If you want to group routes like about, contact, and other under a common dashboard structure with a shared layout i.e (dashboard) won’t be in routing, you can organize your files as follows:

           page.tsx        -> '/about'
           page.tsx        -> '/contact'
           page.tsx        -> '/other'
         layout.tsx       -> Common layout for all dashboard pages

    Here’s how you can define the layout.tsx:

     export default function DashboardLayout({ children }) {
         return (
                         <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
                         <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>
                         <li><a href="/other">Other</a></li>

    Each page.tsx file under the about, contact, and other folders can simply export the respective component, and they will automatically use the layout.tsx as their shared layout.

Organizing Routes with the App Directory

To better structure your application, you can organize files in the app directory. Here’s an example of a structured folder hierarchy for a dashboard with shared layouts:

      page.tsx       -> '/dashboard/about'
      page.tsx       -> '/dashboard/contact'
      page.tsx       -> '/dashboard/other'
    layout.tsx       -> Shared layout for all dashboard pages

      page.tsx       -> '/auth/signin'
      page.tsx       -> '/auth/signup'

      route.ts       -> API catch-all routes
      accounts.ts    -> Specific API route

Adding a Shared Layout for Dashboard Pages

Define a shared layout for all pages under (dashboard) by creating a layout.tsx file.

Creating API Routes

Next.js allows you to define API endpoints in the api folder. Use [[...route]] for catch-all routes or specific files for targeted endpoints.

Example: Catch-All API Route

// app/api/[[...route]]/route.ts
export async function GET(req) {
    return new Response(JSON.stringify({ message: 'API Catch-All Route' }), {
        status: 200,
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },

Example: Specific API Route

// app/api/accounts.ts
export async function GET(req) {
    return new Response(JSON.stringify({ accounts: [] }), {
        status: 200,
        headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },

Access these routes via http://localhost:3000/api/[[...route]] or http://localhost:3000/api/accounts.

Dynamic Routes

Dynamic routing allows you to capture dynamic values in the URL. To create a dynamic route, use square brackets ([]) in the file name.


  1. Create a file /app/blog/[id].js:

     import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';
     export default function BlogPost() {
         const router = useRouter();
         const { id } = router.query;
         return <h1>Blog Post ID: {id}</h1>;
  2. Visit http://localhost:3000/blog/123. You’ll see "Blog Post ID: 123."

API Routes

Next.js also supports API routes, which let you create backend endpoints in the app/api directory.


  1. Create a file /app/api/hello.js:

     export default function handler(req, res) {
         res.status(200).json({ message: 'Hello, API!' });
  2. Visit http://localhost:3000/api/hello. You’ll get a JSON response: { "message": "Hello, API!" }.

Catch-All Routes

Catch-all routes capture multiple segments of a URL. Use square brackets with three dots ([...]).API Routes

Next.js also supports API routes, which let you create backend endpoints in the directory.


  1. Create a file:
export default function handler(req, res) {

res.status(200).json({ message: 'Hello, API!' });

  1. Visit . You’ll get a JSON response.


  1. Create a file /app/docs/[...slug].js:

     import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';
     export default function Docs() {
         const router = useRouter();
         const { slug } = router.query;
         return <h1>Docs Path: {slug?.join('/')}</h1>;
  2. Visit http://localhost:3000/docs/guides/getting-started. You’ll see "Docs Path: guides/getting-started."

Special Files in the app Directory


This file customizes the root component of your application and is useful for adding global styles or state management.


This file is used to customize the HTML document structure, such as adding meta tags or external scripts.


This file lets you customize the error page shown for 404 or other errors.

Advantages of File-Based Routing

  1. Simplicity: Routes are auto-generated based on file structure.

  2. Dynamic Routing: Easily handle dynamic segments without additional libraries.

  3. API Integration: Backend and frontend live in the same project structure.

  4. SEO-Friendly: Out-of-the-box support for server-side rendering and static site generation.


Next.js’s file-based routing is a game-changer for web development. It’s intuitive, powerful, and eliminates the need for complex routing configurations. By organizing your pages or app directory effectively, you can build scalable and maintainable applications with ease.

Start experimenting with your own routes and see how Next.js streamlines the development process. Happy coding!